Sustainable Living Education & Resources
Rekindling the social roots of "village" in our lives today.
"Our human relationships are our biggest constraining factor in the work of transforming society... When we can be as skillful in our human interactions as we are in our garden designs, we’ll become an invincible force of healing for our communities and our earth." Starhawk
7 Core Elements of Thriving Communities: What you need to know to bring the blessings of village into your life.
This is a slide show tour of six European communities and a village—each 25+ years old—with practices and core elements of functional social structures that have passed the test of time. Sustainable living teacher and relationship guide, Tracie Sage, shares insights from a lifetime of relationship research and experiences participating in community living. She’ll share the seven core elements that help us connect, collaborate, cooperate and thrive in our relationships and as a community. You can apply these tried and true strategies immediately to grow the social roots of village in your life today. |
Rekindle the "Village" Spirit:
In just a couple hours of cultivating our social roots together, we will begin to taste the sweetness of "village" closeness and support that most of us want but don’t know how to grow. We will explore games and exercises to bring us into authentic, open-hearted connection with ourselves and each other. If you take these nourishing social practices into your daily life, relationships and community, you can encourage your own "village" roots to come alive. And then… see what sprouts! $45
Essential Elements for Cultivating Community Closeness and Support:
Learn practices and skills for cultivating supportive relationships as we rekindle the social roots of "village" together in this weekend course.
This course will be an experiential embodiment of the "Core Elements of Thriving Communities." Tracie will be leading and teaching you practices to help you connect more deeply, authentically and heartfully with each other. You will practice listening with all your senses, being a non-judgmental witness, and body-centered awareness techniques – practices you can integrate into your relationships and daily life.
On Saturday afternoon, you will continue to cultivate the closeness and support of "village" in the group with fun games and exercises. Then, on Sunday, you will have a real, live demonstration of Tracie’s Co-creative Solutions Process, a process that supports collaboration while also giving you safe ways to work through the issues and conflicts that naturally arise in human relationships. You will spend the last afternoon supporting each other in ways of integrating the useful elements of your weekend into your own lives, families and communities. two days, $180-$360 sliding scale
Building and Sustaining a Thriving Community:
A week-long retreat for community members and facilitators. This training course is an opportunity to dive deeply into the experiential learning of practices for rekindling the social roots of the village. Learn to use and guide the Co-creative Solutions Process, a supportive collaboration process that gives us safe ways to work through the issues and conflicts that naturally arise in our human relationships and group efforts. Take the experiences from the weekend course, above, to the next level of personal practice and facilitation! 5 days, $375-$750 sliding scale
Tracie Sage is committed to living, learning and teaching practices for sustainable living and loving in relationship and community. She inspires men, women, couples & groups to make transformational shifts and expect miracles. Tracie guides and encourages us to connect more deeply, authentically and heartfully with each other, and to experience our relationship issues and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-empowerment. Supported by her warmth and wisdom, our lives become infused with powerful practices, building foundations that support passionate, joyful sustainable living, reviving the social roots of "village" in our lives today.
Do you need some personal relationship guidance and support? Find it here:
Yoga and Sustainable Living:
Taking your intentions into action with an emphasis on fun, First we'll share a sweet, inspiring yoga practice together. Then we’ll review and discuss the list of Practices for Sustainable Living (below) and playfully explore specific ways you can integrate the practices into your daily life.
Practices for Sustainable Living:
*Daily Yoga, meditation or other self-awareness practices
*Being present & honest – enhancing communication, connection, & cooperation between people
*Honoring the sacred in everyday life
*Celebrating the seasons & cycles of life
*Living simply & building consciously with local resources
*Growing and wildcrafting our own food and medicine locally
*Generating our own energy locally
*Creating little/no waste
*Choosing forms of transportation that reduce or eliminate the need for fossil fuel
*Playing, singing, chanting, dancing, working, creating, expressing our hearts, sharing ritual & celebration with the people in our lives.
Cultivating Healthy, Fulfilling & Deeply Nourishing Relationships: The heart of sustainable living.
In this three-hour playshop, Tracie will share a "Healthy, Fulfilling Relationship Model" with practical approaches and skills that you can use to enhance connection and happiness in all your relationships, create greater intimacy where you want it, strengthen your confidence and speak your truth. Handout included. Healthy relationship is at the heart of sustainable living. Together we can co-create with ease, joy and fulfillment. $45
Join a Nourishing Relationships Practice Group! Four weeks of practice to integrate this effective model into your relationships. You’ll have support to practice a different aspect of the model in each group session, and throughout the following week to enhance all your relationships with ease.
Prerequisite:Cultivating Healthy, Fulfilling & Deeply Nourishing Relationships introductory playshop above. Don’t miss this opportunity to practice the art of authentic relating! Call 541-479-5128 to enroll.
In just a couple hours of cultivating our social roots together, we will begin to taste the sweetness of "village" closeness and support that most of us want but don’t know how to grow. We will explore games and exercises to bring us into authentic, open-hearted connection with ourselves and each other. If you take these nourishing social practices into your daily life, relationships and community, you can encourage your own "village" roots to come alive. And then… see what sprouts! $45
Essential Elements for Cultivating Community Closeness and Support:
Learn practices and skills for cultivating supportive relationships as we rekindle the social roots of "village" together in this weekend course.
This course will be an experiential embodiment of the "Core Elements of Thriving Communities." Tracie will be leading and teaching you practices to help you connect more deeply, authentically and heartfully with each other. You will practice listening with all your senses, being a non-judgmental witness, and body-centered awareness techniques – practices you can integrate into your relationships and daily life.
On Saturday afternoon, you will continue to cultivate the closeness and support of "village" in the group with fun games and exercises. Then, on Sunday, you will have a real, live demonstration of Tracie’s Co-creative Solutions Process, a process that supports collaboration while also giving you safe ways to work through the issues and conflicts that naturally arise in human relationships. You will spend the last afternoon supporting each other in ways of integrating the useful elements of your weekend into your own lives, families and communities. two days, $180-$360 sliding scale
Building and Sustaining a Thriving Community:
A week-long retreat for community members and facilitators. This training course is an opportunity to dive deeply into the experiential learning of practices for rekindling the social roots of the village. Learn to use and guide the Co-creative Solutions Process, a supportive collaboration process that gives us safe ways to work through the issues and conflicts that naturally arise in our human relationships and group efforts. Take the experiences from the weekend course, above, to the next level of personal practice and facilitation! 5 days, $375-$750 sliding scale
Tracie Sage is committed to living, learning and teaching practices for sustainable living and loving in relationship and community. She inspires men, women, couples & groups to make transformational shifts and expect miracles. Tracie guides and encourages us to connect more deeply, authentically and heartfully with each other, and to experience our relationship issues and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-empowerment. Supported by her warmth and wisdom, our lives become infused with powerful practices, building foundations that support passionate, joyful sustainable living, reviving the social roots of "village" in our lives today.
Do you need some personal relationship guidance and support? Find it here:
Yoga and Sustainable Living:
Taking your intentions into action with an emphasis on fun, First we'll share a sweet, inspiring yoga practice together. Then we’ll review and discuss the list of Practices for Sustainable Living (below) and playfully explore specific ways you can integrate the practices into your daily life.
Practices for Sustainable Living:
*Daily Yoga, meditation or other self-awareness practices
*Being present & honest – enhancing communication, connection, & cooperation between people
*Honoring the sacred in everyday life
*Celebrating the seasons & cycles of life
*Living simply & building consciously with local resources
*Growing and wildcrafting our own food and medicine locally
*Generating our own energy locally
*Creating little/no waste
*Choosing forms of transportation that reduce or eliminate the need for fossil fuel
*Playing, singing, chanting, dancing, working, creating, expressing our hearts, sharing ritual & celebration with the people in our lives.
Cultivating Healthy, Fulfilling & Deeply Nourishing Relationships: The heart of sustainable living.
In this three-hour playshop, Tracie will share a "Healthy, Fulfilling Relationship Model" with practical approaches and skills that you can use to enhance connection and happiness in all your relationships, create greater intimacy where you want it, strengthen your confidence and speak your truth. Handout included. Healthy relationship is at the heart of sustainable living. Together we can co-create with ease, joy and fulfillment. $45
Join a Nourishing Relationships Practice Group! Four weeks of practice to integrate this effective model into your relationships. You’ll have support to practice a different aspect of the model in each group session, and throughout the following week to enhance all your relationships with ease.
Prerequisite:Cultivating Healthy, Fulfilling & Deeply Nourishing Relationships introductory playshop above. Don’t miss this opportunity to practice the art of authentic relating! Call 541-479-5128 to enroll.
Do you need some personal relationship guidance and support? Find it here: